Female Empowerment; How to Tap Into Your Power and Personal Revolution

What makes you feel powerful? Truthfully. Beyond what you wish you could be and beyond what you wish you could remove, what in your life currently makes you feel unstoppable? Maybe it’s when you’re embracing who you are. Or after accomplishing a goal or wearing an outfit that makes you feel on top of the world. Whatever the reason, power can shine through in multiple ways. And in this article, we’re going to discuss how you can tap into your personal power and jumpstart your personal revolution for a truly powerful 2023 that you undeniably deserve. 

What is power?

When we think of power, we often think of wealth, success, leadership, and abundance. While these sources certainly add to our lives, true power stems from an inner confidence that radiates authenticity, value, and acceptance. It’s how you carry yourself, your attitude, your state of mind, and how you see yourself. So, in a sense, you make yourself powerful. 

But as women, we’re programmed to wait to be chosen therefore we find our power in external sources; receiving a successful career, the dream partner, the "perfect" body, and so on, I think you get it. If we're on the hunt to consistently find our power externally, it can be taken away from us, and alternatively, we can also give it away. 

Yet if you recognize that true power is internal, you know deep down you don’t need to do anything, be anything, or impress anyone. You accept that you are simply powerful as you are because you are. When you fill yourself up with so much self-love that it radiates out of you, you step into an unstoppable alignment. 

I feel powerful in many areas of my life. I feel the most powerful holding space for others,  When I'm empowering a woman to remove the layers of self-criticism and inspiring her to find her own grace, beauty, and strength, I feel nothing short of unstoppable. That's my power, standing fiercely in my truth and empowering others to do the same. 

We all have the right to feel this way every day. But we must give ourselves permission to do so. And in the spirit of 2023, I ask you to envision what this year could mean for you…if you step into your innate power and celebrate who you are.

How to Tap Into Your Power and Personal Revolution 

Feel powerful in your career

The most powerful people don’t always have the highest rank or salary. It’s the ones who show up with self-awareness, humility, and a growth mindset. When you’re self-aware, you know your strengths and weaknesses, but with a growth mindset, you don’t allow what you need to improve on to limit you. 

Instead, you embrace all that you are with humility, recognize your accomplishments, and empower others to unite. Whether you love your career or you’re looking for a career change, adopting these traits will create a powerful trifecta in your position. 

Also, tell yourself that you belong no matter where you’re at in your career. As women, we’re sometimes undermined by others, our bosses, a patriarchal world, and even our colleagues. But you have the skills, background, and intelligence to shine in your career. So, anytime you feel uneasy, or someone else is trying to dim your light, repeat, “I am here to stay and I belong here”. Then pivot forward to shine even brighter. 

Unapologetically live the life you want 

How often do you put others ahead of yourself? While it’s great to be selfless, as women, we’re taught our value is in serving others, often at the cost of our own happiness. 

As a result, we become people pleasers apologizing for EVERYTHING and worrying about how to fill everyone else’s cups instead of our own. And by jumping to please others, you inadvertently lower your self-esteem and diminish your power. 

Yet a way to live your life for yourself is to define what matters most to you and create boundaries to prioritize it. For example, if you want to go back to school, learn a language, or even invest in your self-care but fear it will make you less available to others, don’t. 

2023 is your year to articulate who you are and what you want without apology or hesitance. If the people in your life struggle to accept this new shade of empowerment, kindly explain that you need and deserve more time for yourself. 

Accept and value yourself above all 

When we’re starting to step into our power, the little voice inside our heads often gets a little louder. Thoughts like, “What are you doing? You can’t do this. You can’t be powerful. People won’t respect you. This isn’t who you are,” painfully rings through our minds and instantly makes us feel smaller. 

But when you hear these thoughts, don’t run away. Instead, lean into them and ask where they’re coming from. 

The more you befriend your inner critic and that imposter sidekick, the more you reduce its hold over you. Indeed, power and confidence aren’t just about how you look, walk, or carry yourself. 

It’s about the internal conversation you share with yourself every day. 

So, confront your critic head-on. Say, “Hey, it’s you again. I don’t know if you’re scared, but you’re not helping me. I don’t trust what you have to say, and I’m going to choose to believe that I’m enough. So, GOODBYE!”. 

The trick is to question your imposter and critic with bravery rather than believing what they’re saying. And beyond these voices, you have a deep gentle whisper that wants you to succeed, love yourself, and feel enough. 

That voice that says, “You’re incredible and can do anything AND EVERYTHING”. 

Step into your power in 2023

How are you feeling about making 2023 your personal revolution? Excited or nervous? If the latter, you’re not alone. But to become the best version of yourself, you must dig deep and find the answers to some important questions…

  • What matters most to you?

  • How do you want to show up for yourself?

  • How do you want to live your life?

  • What does the most powerful and confident version of yourself look like?

Reflecting on these questions will provide the necessary information to make real change because at the core of power is self-love. And how you speak to yourself, treat yourself, and value yourself makes the world of difference. 

But finding your power isn’t always easy. It’s a journey of small daily steps and habits that sometimes needs a bit of a boost to remind you of how special and extraordinary you are. 

So, for 2023, I have an amazing and life-changing opportunity that will encourage you to cultivate your confidence and personal power. 

Drumroll, please….The Power Portrait

My mission and a part of my own personal revolution are to empower ten women to recognize their grace, find their power, and feel unstoppable this year. 

Photography is a gift and when you jump in front of the camera, allow yourself to release, and fully embrace who you are, a ripple effect pours into every area of your life. You leave the studio remembering who you are, loving that person, and putting that person out in the world. Photography did this for me, for the countless women I had the privilege of photographing, and I know it will do the same for you. 

Let the power portrait be the first step of your personal revolution to jumpstart a year full of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment. 

I want you to step out of the shadows and into your own light for the entire world to see. Sign up and grab your spot for a ripple effect of power.




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2022: A note of gratitude and year in review.