Goal Setting for Personal Success

I was one of those people that would put my goals “out there” and expect them to happen. That’s only part of the equation.  In this blog post, I’m going to share with you 5 reasons goals matter, how to set goals, and how to manifest those goals into reality. 

"It's only a dream until you write it down, and then it becomes a goal." Emmitt Smith 


5 Reasons Goals Matter:

  1. GOALS TRIGGER BEHAVIORS. You must write them down and read them every day. These goals should be something that matters to you and they should motivate you. Otherwise, what’s the point? 

  2. GOALS GUIDE WHAT WE FOCUS ON. It’s so easy to get distracted by noise. Anything that is not a goal, is noise. By guiding your focus, it allows you to create a path forward and can dictate your next step. Take a goal and break it down into manageable steps so that you are always walking towards it. Consistent small steps equates to an intentional journey. Be intentional with your life.

  3. GOALS HELP US SUSTAIN MOMENTUM. When you can see progress and you continue achieving the process becomes addictive and the next thing you know  you are on fire and in love with life and business.

  4. GOALS ALIGN FOCUS WITH OUR BEHAVIOR. The name of the game is focus and emotion. When we can see it, focus on it and walk towards it with positive emotion, we achieve it. All the while the process offers us clues about our own value system, beliefs, challenges, strengths and weaknesses.

  5. GOALS PROMOTE SELF MASTERY. Achieving goals builds character. Goals give us the opportunity to strengthen our strengths and our weaknesses. When you master both, you become unstoppable.

Now that we know Goals Matter, let’s talk about how to set them and achieve them. 

If we think about 5 year goals, that’s our vision then we break that down by year and then by quarter, and then by week and you eventually get there. No matter how big the goal, you are walking there. It doesn’t happen overnight. 

By writing down your goals down and reading them everyday, they are top of mind and it will dictate what’s important and what to act on. Remember,  focus and emotion, focus on what you want to achieve, walk towards it with gratitude and excitement and you will achieve it. 

Look at your life and determine what is important to you and where you want to go. Most of us want purpose, belonging, happiness and success but what does that mean to you. I wrote mine in the categories of  my industry goals, revenue goals, business expansion goals, mastering my craft, and  mastering the  way in which I want to live which includes a mindfulness practice, a gratitude practice, an attempt to calmness and balance.  In order to achieve this I need to focus on this daily with enthusiasm and dedication. I will need to practice boundaries. I’m driving this ship, not the tide that’s coming in. 

I’ll be sure to keep you posted!

with Love,



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