How I Honored Myself and My Craft; A Photographer Booked A Portrait Session

It’s important to put yourself in your client’s shoes and walk your talk; to experience the journey for yourself. I’ve been giving women the experience of an empowering photoshoot for over 10 years and it was past time for me to experience this myself. Photographers can sometimes forget about getting in front of the camera. So I chose one of my mentors to photograph me. And I got to experience all the things my clients experience and the normal stuff that can come up to: How do I want to be seen? What do I wear? I’ve got to go shopping. I need to slim down. 

20-30 something-year-old Judith would have put herself on a diet but I did not do that this time. I showed up as I am. I have also been on a Self Value journey. And I want body love instead of focusing on my perceived flaws. 

Our bodies are the physical vessel and manifestation of our souls. There is value in connecting to our bodies, honoring them, and seeing them as beautiful. That’s body love, and through posing and verbal affirmation, a photoshoot is powerful. I know this as a portrait photographer and I needed to experience it myself.

At my shoot, we did a little bit of everything, which is the combo shoot (also my most popular shoot) where you do branding, boudoir, fashion, glam, and soul.

One of my biggest takeaways was that this was a day of self-care that I didn’t realize I needed. I so needed a day to feel cared for and pampered, a day to celebrate who I am and who I’m becoming, and a day that boosted my confidence. If I have given one person the feeling I had, then I know I’m leaving the world a better place and I believe that I am. 

And y’all, side note, I must have been radiating because I got hit on by the girl working the desk in the hotel lobby. I didn’t know what was happening until I got on the elevator with my free drink ticket in hand which was given to me by the front desk. I was like ohhhh. Haha.  I traveled to Asheville for my shoot.  

Back to my photoshoot and the takeaways….

As a photographer, it was also a learning experience for me to be on the other side of the lens and to experience someone else shooting and how they light and guide you. 

It is invaluable to really SEE  yourself and who you are becoming. There is one image that makes me look like a boss. There are images that make me look fierce and soft. There is one image that captures me as an industry leader and that’s where I’m becoming. 

It was amazing to experience firsthand what my clients experience and to go through this process myself. So, in this article, let’s talk through how I honored myself and my craft. Plot twist: it was humbling, gratifying, and nerve-racking all at the same time, the perfect recipe for what we call navigating life and all its ups and downs. 

The why behind the photos

When I quit my cozy career in economic development six years ago to open a portrait studio full-time, some folks thought I was crazy. I didn’t blame their disbelief or even feel a shred of doubt because I know anyone who decides to go against the societal grain will, at some point, receive criticism. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself with positive people. But the day I picked up a camera, everything changed. I was lit up. I would lose track of time. Some said I was obsessed. But I have a rule and that is to follow your bliss and what lights you up because that is the path you are meant to be on. I had a strong sense to keep following this path. I’ve learned to follow my intuition. It is my internal Google map. So I took the leap and made my passion my full-time business.

And, like every entrepreneur, I recently came to the crossroads of feeling like my brand needed a pick-me-up and I really felt that I  needed to experience what I offer others.  And that meant I had to stand in your shoes for a change. 

I felt some of the things you all do. I wondered if my photos would meet my expectations. How should I wear my hair? Curly or straight (Curly won). I also fled to every store in Nashville, looking for the perfect lineup of outfits. As the days crept closer, I felt many of the top reasons why people avoid getting their photos

But I also discovered a few truths that allowed me to honor myself and my craft and enjoy the experience. And I would love to share this light-bulb kind of day with you to help you discover the same magic that still has me buzzing with joy. 

1. Celebrate your life 

Photography is evidence we exist in this world. And this life is worth celebrating. There is no greater honor than to capture who you are, your essence, your soul, and your evolution in photographs. 

I saw myself as beautiful, cool, feminine, sexy, powerful, fierce, resilient, and as a leader. That is who I am and who I want to embody every day. 

It is funny sometimes when you look at images of yourself because you notice things you hadn’t really seen before because you are in the daily grind of it all so even when we’ve had massive growth or progress, we may not see it as clearly. 

This shoot happened because of all my growth as an entrepreneur, my self-value, and the portrait system community that I love.  This whole process started in Italy last year when I decided to go to a portrait workshop and a mastermind session as well as a tour of the facility where my products are being made. That was one of the best decisions I made in 2022. I’m ready to step up in my industry and I have been very intentional about it. I can see that now. 

This may be silly too, but one of my favorite images shows my leg and a clearly defined calf muscle which makes me very happy because I’ve been lifting weights for the past 7 months and I see the progress. Strong is the new sexy. Building strength is exhilarating. When I started back it was out of my comfort zone. But by putting my discomfort aside, I started building my confidence through exercise.  Fitness allows us to cultivate true self-love and enhances how we see ourselves, the world around us, and our life in the present moment. It is a gift far beyond solely improving our physical health. It helps us reconnect with ourselves. 

So celebrate your life, and honor your path. Take a step back to remember who you are, and what you have accomplished and capture it.

2. Step out of your comfort zone

Portrait photography is figuratively and literally exposing yourself. Standing out there with lights and a camera staring at you can be a little unnerving for anyone. But this is your one life so why play it small?! Give yourself permission to be more and that will give others around you permission to do the same as well.

Stepping out of your comfort zone allows for an opportunity of growth to learn more about yourself and builds your self-confidence. You learn new skills, make new connections, and have new experiences that enrich your life and expand your worldview. You grow. 

I find it fascinating to test myself and learn more about who I am and what I’m capable of. And the more you do things that make you uncomfortable and you succeed at them or have a great experience, the more confident you become. That includes allowing yourself to feel like a celebrity for a day! 

3. Love who you are 

When you look deep within and ignore the unkind comments your inner critic says, you realize you are fundamentally more powerful, striking, and complete as you are. You don’t need to look a certain way or be someone else. You are a divine feminine being at this very moment. And this realization allowed me to let go. Once I accepted this nugget of wisdom, I felt unstoppable. I started to love myself more and judge myself less.  When you understand that choosing to believe in yourself drowns out fear and doubt, you have the keys to the kingdom. You don’t have to believe your thoughts and feelings. You can choose to believe in yourself and to love who you are, warts and all. When you do that, you get into an energetic alignment that is magnetizing and inspires action. Then watch your dream life appear. You are the source of love. Start there, and capture it.

4. Trust the process

Photoshoots are a process. At the end of the day, it is a system. When you have a professional guiding you through the process, you are in safe hands. Trusting and relaxing into it makes for amazing images. 

I knew I was safe in my photographer’s hands, the award-winning Cat Ford-Coates. Her skillset, confidence, and knowledge guided me through and created the most rewarding experience (Learn about what we do at Judith Hill Photography). 

Yet this lesson is also applicable to everyday life. Trusting the process means trusting yourself and a higher power that your life can unfold far more beautifully than ever imagined if you focus on the present moment and dance with pure gratitude. 

5. Engage in reflection 

Before I came to the set, I engaged in self-reflection. I thought about who I am, the woman I want to become, how I want these images portrayed, and how I want to express myself artistically and professionally. This moment provided clarity about how I wanted the photo shoot to unfold thus my years ahead. It also empowered me to look beyond societal expectations about how it should look and ask myself what I really wanted. 

I encourage you and every one of my clients to do the same. Approach your life with ample opportunities to self-reflect before making creative, professional, or personal decisions. When you do, you learn more about who you are and can create a path for the woman you want to become. 

6. Self Care

Like most, I have been running on the hamster wheel, going, and doing without stopping. And while I understand the benefits of taking time to yourself, I often don’t. Whether it’s a limiting belief that I need to serve everyone else or a pressure that if I don’t stop, I’m not being productive, I learned I need to SLOW DOWN. 

This experience was a day of self-care I didn’t know I needed. Thankfully, after the photo shoot, I felt more empowered and aware that balancing our professional and personal life is the key to our happiness. Taking a break and loving ourselves gives our bodies and minds a chance to restore and cope with the ups and downs in life with a sense of inner acceptance and calm. 

What I learned 

As a photographer, I rarely get my photos taken. My purpose is to uplift, inspire, and celebrate YOU and all your beauty, power, and strength. Seeing you happy on set fuels me. But standing where you are also provided a humbling experience. I learned how to honor myself and my craft with humility, empathy, and pure gratitude. And I would love to give you a day that helps you honor who you are. 

You deserve a day where everyone serves you, where you are the center of attention. And where you feel amazing. Check out my portfolio and book a discovery call to receive that day. I can’t wait to help you discover your own light and give you a positively life-changing experience that enhances every area of your life going forward. Afterward, you may even leave with your own set of lessons :) 


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