The Seeker - Artwork Spotlight


THE SEEKER. That's what I named this artwork. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye; who is not afraid; and who makes the choice to go into the unknown. She understands that going into uncertainty creates discomfort but that is where the growth begins. Thus, the process of awakening has begun; the discovery is underway as she walks into the depths of the sea where water purifies and transforms. Because the Seeker seeks truth, not outside of themselves, but from within because that is where true transformation begins. That is where we gain clarity. That is the place where our light grows bright enough to drown out the darkness around us. 

This is a self portrait shot in Gulf Shores this summer. I love creating composite artwork like this one. It is a reflection of my imagination, of my soul, and often, I will play out themes that have or are going on in my life. Check out the video below to see how it was created. 

What combines this work with my studio work is the divine feminine energy that exists in both. The Divine Feminine is the one that finds her path from the inside out. It is the aspect of the self associated with "creation, intuition, community, sensuality, and collaboration. And, I think that sums up my work beautifully. 

With Love,


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